The Battle For Family

StMichael10There is an ancient evil at work that never rests or tires. Our downfall is this evil’s aim and its victory is gained by our eternal damnation. Our damnation is very easily achieved; die without sanctifying grace in our soul; die in the state of mortal sin. This must be fought at all costs. Men are called to fight this fight and the path to victory for men is singular and that is to die while fighting it. We [men] are born for battle, to guard and protect what is sacred and entrusted to our care; it is sacred because that which is entrusted to us does not belong to us but rather to God. We are simply the guardians and protectors of the beautiful. The battleground is the Family. Our weapons? Prayer and Sacrifice.

Matt. 22:37-40 “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

The enemy’s first target is us (men). Alongside lack of preparation for battle, we are assaulted in the areas of pride, sloth and lust. First we think ourselves able to succeed in anything and everything apart from God on our own strength and intelligence, then to disengage our heart, soul and mind from all that is good, true and beautiful, and finally love only ourselves by using our neighbour as an object to satisfy and gratify the lower faculties.

And what happens when we start to love ourselves more than our neighbour? Can the soldier in the army help win the battle if he is only concerned about his own wellbeing? Surely not. But far too many men, husbands and fathers alike sacrifice their families for their own safety and the safety of their hopes and dreams rather than sacrificing themselves and their future greatness for their bride and children.

After attacking the head of the family, the enemy goes after our bride and children to subvert and undermine the authority that God placed over the head of the family; and our bride and children may be attacked violently; we can also see this parallel on a much larger scale as the Bride of Christ the Church has been attacked and tempted starting with Eve, to undermine Adam. But how did the NEW Adam deal with His Bride who fell prey to the enemy? Jeremiah Chapter 3 tells us that we [Christ’s Bride] have committed adultery but Christ still wishes to be united to us if we but turn again to Him he takes us back. Still HE had to win us back and did so by dying for us. In our family life we are called to do what He did.

No we do not get to take a break – show me when hell takes a day off and I’ll show you when you can take a day off.


When our will is aligned with God’s will, we have found the narrow gate. When our will CROSSES God’s will, He says to us “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his CROSS and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matt. 16: 24-25.

God Love You!

About dylandrego

Practicing Roman Catholic Husband, Father, Brother, Friend & Entrepreneur who holds onto the Barque of St. Peter - I desire for you to be a Saint - View all posts by dylandrego

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