Category Archives: hardship

Can you Smile, Wink & Say “I Got’ dis!”?


Breathe – things are never as bad as they seem. Smile, things are never as good as they seem. Wink – Life is lived somewhere in the middle.

When stuff is really not going my way, I notice that fear and doubt tend to set in. And that emotional response kills any intelligence that I have.

I have to control my body and my mind. It’s easier to use the body to control the mind if you understand posture, and interrupting patterns of behaviour. For example, if you see a depressed person, their shoulders are slouched and often they are looking down. If you are depressed I encourage you try this exercise.

Throw your shoulders back, put a big cheesy smile on your face, look straight up at the ceiling and now… try to feel depressed.

… It’s hard isn’t it…?

This should show you that you have the capacity to change your state and increase your energy regardless of the surrounding situation. You cannot change what’s happened; only how you react to it in your mind and the action that you take from this moment on.


My solution, when things go bad for me, someone cancels a meeting, quits on me, cancels a program… I take a deep breath, smile, wink and say to the enemies around me that want me to despair and hate God for my circumstance… I got’ dis!

Be great!

God Love you!


Unwavering Pursuit of Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered why you dream the kind of dreams you dream? We are the only creatures on the planet to dream the kind of dreams that we dream about. A dog or cat can dream about wanting more food but they certainly cannot dream about being a person of significance or leaving this world better than when they first arrived.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream

We human beings are born into this world with dreams of a certain kind. This is marvellous and scary all in one because if we study ourselves we’d find ALL people actually make REAL the things they dream of; albeit MOST people do so unintentionally. Existing in an endless Nightmare; that is reality for most people in their lives but first in their mind. Talk about a drain on the soul and spirit! The Body ALWAYS follows the Mind! Time and time again we manifest the thoughts we hold in our mind but sadly how few consciously think DAILY about where they are going and how AWESOME their life is CAN be and HOW they can make it a reality.

I’m proof that it does not need to be this way; things CAN change IF we want them to. It’s not easy but it is worth it. I must have said to my wife at least 10 times while we were on that yacht “Can you believe that this IS our life?” – I’m so glad I made a decision to change and grow to win.

How? By Replacing and reprogramming the stinking thinking that brought about the nightmare in the first place!

Put pen to paper daily and write out what you want your life to look like and who you want to be. Then read it aloud 2 times a day. Visualize it. Obsess over it! Hold it in your mind as often as you can for as long as you can. THEN GO WORK YOUR HINEY OFF TO GET IT! Be open to the opportunities as and when they come AND make sure you taste your dreams from time to time as a reward for the hard work you’ve put in. This is what it takes.


Dream great Dreams! Work hard to build them! Stop Existing and Start Living wonderful moments with your family! Don’t stop if you’re tired, stop when you’re finished. It’s worth it!

Building People IS Your Super Power

If you were a superhero and you had a special power what would it be?

As a child I would have told you I wanted to fly. Others said super speed and super hearing and so on. As we grow into adulthood, the prospect of being a superhero loses its lustre. As adults we do however have the ability to be super everyday. If you were to look around could you say that you see superheroes in your office? On the bus? Or how about at Starbucks?

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They do indeed exist. Im speaking of those precious people who choose to build others everyday without any expectation of reciprocation. They are the real heroes! It amazes me how many people go through their day with little to no encouragement or kindness shown to them from those around them.

The more important question is Do you see YOURSELF as a superhero?

Having a super power is a choice.  Today let your superpower be building people. Everywhere you go imagine that every person you meet has a sign above them that says, “make me feel special” or “say something good to me”.  Our words may be the only bit of encouragement they hear that day or maybe even that week. Do not hold back the gift of building your neighbor up. In the process you build families, communities, friendships, confidence, self esteem. You build a better world, the same world which you are living in

Be a Superhero Today Not Tomorrow. Build Greatness in others and you will surely find it in yourself!

That’s How Winning is Done!

Forward… keep moving forward. Use everything you’ve got! DON’T HOLD BACK! CLAW at the ground to gain that INCH! I know you’re tired. I know it hurts…. but this is the testing to see if you’re ready for GREATNESS! This is the training ground for CHAMPIONS. ALL champions are BUILT NOT BORN!


The thing that is going to determine where you end up isn’t you’re circumstances or your talent; it’s your WILL to keep pressing forward especially when your conscious mind is telling you it’s got nothing left, that is hurts and that things aren’t going the way you intended. You are a CREATIVE human being, an ETERNAL SOUL with the gift to ENDURE and that sets you apart. Your circumstances are minuscule compared to the power God has placed inside you.

Suspend your disbelief and press on. Let it burn, but DON’T YOU DARE QUIT! KEEP MOVING FORWARD!! THAT’S HOW WINNING IS DONE!

What if…

What do you first think about when you hear these words:


What if things don’t go as planned…? What if I fail? What if I don’t get the job… and on and on it goes.

Rather sad, wouldn’t you agree? That for most people the words “What if” don’t bring joy or hope or a sense of “something amazing is about to happen”.

When did we start stumbling over the unknown as if it were something to shy away from and fear? When did uncertainty start equaling certain failure? How many of us are willingly EXISTING in a NIGHTMARE rather than LIVING INSPIRATIONALLY and PASSIONATELY fuelled by the prospect of another sunrise, another shot at victory, another opportunity to play the game of life and give our absolute best??



FRUSTRATION is fertilizer…

It’s not that hard to admit that a good portion of our life is spent being frustrated.

Someone once told me that frustrations are fertilizer; they allow us to grow. Growing however is never easy. Often it is met with resistance and hardship.  Success in anything be it learning to walk or swim, run a business or marriage requires a lot.

How much one might ask?

…. Everything you’ve got. That’s what it take to win. 99% of our time is spent being not where we thought we’d be and our success is determined mostly by how we continue to process and react to our circumstance. It’s okay to be frustrated but it’s not okay to remain there. It must be met with action that rarely comes with the motivation to move. Simply put, we’re never going to feel like it. And sometimes not only do we not feel like getting up but we may be facing our next beating before we’ve realize we’ve hit the ground.


As hard as it is, we… I have to embrace the journey. This journey toward victory is filled with hardship and difficulty. It’s going to take the best of version of me to get there. I’m okay with that. And if I’m frustrated along the way… let it be the fuel that pushes me toward greatness. Not the weight of my wallowing in misery that binds me to mediocrity.



– Change isn’t often what we want, but we can choose to either grow from it, or shrink into a shadow of what we could be – 

Wow time flies! I can’t believe that 6 months flew by and so much has happened already.
My Son Max was born in January – talk about Miraculous (More about this in an upcoming post)! That and I’m convinced that my wife is Superwoman – I am shocked and amazed at what she went through and how willing she was to go through it. A new respect, admiration and love has grown deep within me for my family and for my God.

There’s been much hardship and a steep learning curve all along the way… but the following phrase rings loud and clear.

I’m looking forward to sharing the last 6 months with you. It’s been difficult but beautiful!

Certum in Deo!