Category Archives: Trust

Episode 11 – Sáncte Míchael Archángele


A BIG thank you for your patience. Continuing with the Holy Rosary prayers, I decided to include the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Click the Play button above to pray/learn this prayer. The words are below in both Latin and in English.

Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequítiam et insídias diáboli ésto præsídium. Ímperet ílli Déus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, prínceps milítiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in múndo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Ámen.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.  Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast! it has been downloaded over 1700 times which is far more than I anticipated – It is a blessing to have so many of us in different parts of the world praying the Holy Rosary together. Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.

Currently we have no reviews on Itunes – If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also, most especially I ask you all to keep my wife and unborn child in your prayers as we get ready for their arrival within the next 2 weeks.

Please be patient with the uploading of new prayers – they are on their way. Till then,

May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)

Can You Float Like A Butterfly?


Have you ever been in a training session with a group of people and had someone ask either an annoying or tough question? Almost when you didn’t need it?

Rather than be upset or get annoyed take a different approach; thank them for the question.

I always admired Mohammed Ali for his ability to be able to move and flow when someone threw a punch at him, he moved with them in reverse keeping their glove infront of his face at the same distance. He could back away like nobody could. He was ready for every punch and expected it. He kept it where he could see it and always dealt the blow using their punch to his advantage either by tiring them out or hitting them when they we’re exposed.

Thank them for the question. You should have been ready for it. If they hadn’t asked it, they would have been thinking about it, and you can bet so were others.

The fact that they asked it and threw the punch out there they’ve handed it to you to deal with and this is your moment to shine. To show no fear and keep it in front of your face and deal with it flawlessly.

If you cant answer the question in a public setting you shouldn’t be training. Get yourself to a position where you can answer in public every time flawlessly and you will show strength of character, and wow you group beyond belief. You do that you can do anything. You fold or fail in public why would anyone one follow you or listen to you?

They just did you the biggest favour, whether you crush it or you flop you had to be real with yourself and your abilities. Always take the opportunity to float like a butterfly in public and show no fear in the face of those questions, because if you cant handle it, you shouldn’t be in the ring. Be ready to sting like a bee – not to flaunt it in their face but with elegance to show that this is not your first fight and you’ve prepared for this fight, and every punch your entire life.

Wow them and thank the guy or gal for giving you the opportunity to shine in public and raise your status to the next level!

God love you!
Be Great!


Can you Smile, Wink & Say “I Got’ dis!”?


Breathe – things are never as bad as they seem. Smile, things are never as good as they seem. Wink – Life is lived somewhere in the middle.

When stuff is really not going my way, I notice that fear and doubt tend to set in. And that emotional response kills any intelligence that I have.

I have to control my body and my mind. It’s easier to use the body to control the mind if you understand posture, and interrupting patterns of behaviour. For example, if you see a depressed person, their shoulders are slouched and often they are looking down. If you are depressed I encourage you try this exercise.

Throw your shoulders back, put a big cheesy smile on your face, look straight up at the ceiling and now… try to feel depressed.

… It’s hard isn’t it…?

This should show you that you have the capacity to change your state and increase your energy regardless of the surrounding situation. You cannot change what’s happened; only how you react to it in your mind and the action that you take from this moment on.


My solution, when things go bad for me, someone cancels a meeting, quits on me, cancels a program… I take a deep breath, smile, wink and say to the enemies around me that want me to despair and hate God for my circumstance… I got’ dis!

Be great!

God Love you!


One Hail Mary


When plans go sideways as they most certainly do… what do we do?

I know from personal experience how much planning and preparation goes into the things that I’m passionate about and when they seem to not be working out or rather becoming worse rather than better – I have to decided how to respond.

In the past I would get angry, want to quit, flip out or run and tell anyone who would listen what my sorrws were. That was until I began to study spiritual warfare. Any thought that takes you away from God most certainly had something to do with a demon who planted the thought there. Perhaps I may have been idle with my time (please see Killing Time) which is the devils playground or I may have put myself in harms way, but often times the thought to quit, get angry or despair came from some outside source trying to convince me that it is me who’s having these thoughts.

It’s in these moments, either in sin or in just being overwhelmed, that I understand why our Lord gave us His Mother.

One Hail Mary will do more for us in the spiritual and temporal realms than all the planning, stresss, anxiety and worry, etc.

Do not misunderstand what I’m saying – we must follow up and follow through; doing all that is required of us to over come our defects but as in all things, put first things first and second things second. Otherwise we ruin both the first and second thing. Pray first to our blessed Mother, and then carry on.

Be great!

God love you!

The Appropriate Response

What on earth (or in heaven for that matter) do we do with those who disagree with our point of view?


The answer is simple; pray for them. That does not equal backing down or disengaging in healthy (or even polemic) discussion but regardless of differing opinions on politics and religion, still we MUST pray for them.

Our Blessed Mother, various Saints and theologians have spoken at length describing that the status quo is far worse than it was before and that things unless we change and pray unceasingly for others, will become worse; Worse being that the greatest damage that will be done to the Roman Catholic Church – the Bride of Christ & One True Faith – will not come from outside the Church but from within. Wolves in sheep’s clothing our Blessed Lord warned. It would seem that these days are upon us.

The Church stood against the Roman Persecutions, the Heretics and their Heresies, the Barbarians, the Vikings, the Muslims, the Orthodox split, the Protestant Revolt (for it failed to reform anything really) and its 33,000 fractures, the SSPX and Sedevacantists… and now un-catechised “Catholics” who because of Baptism would claim to know better than 2000 years of traditional and doctrinal teaching pushing modernist agendas to “help” the Roman Catholic Church keep up with the times.

Although this form of persecution may be new for us, it really is a 2000 year old story, and it began back in that garden when a Bishop betrayed our Lord to the authorities and then hung himself, and 10 other Bishops deserted Him, one of them – the closest to our Lord – cursed and swore he didn’t know the man. Yes a young St. John was the only Bishop brave enough (some called him foolish) to accompany our Blessed Lord to Calvary.

What then do we do with dissenting and disobedient Bishops within who silently or publicly go against the doctrinal teachings and disciplines of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church? People, in traditional people fashion, rather than look for a solution add to the problem and eagerly seek to find fault and lay blame on a person; the Pope is an easy target and further still the wrong target. This is Satan’s work and the Pope is the Vicar of Christ.

We take our example from our Lord. First His promise to St. Peter, and then at the Last Supper His advice to St. Peter.

Matt 16: 17-19
17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18And I tell you that you are Peter,b and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hadesc will not overcome it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will bed bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will bee loosed in heaven.”

Luke 22: 31-32
31“Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. 32But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.”

Both these passages show us our Blessed Lord’s confidence in a man whose name He changed – every time God changes a name it means that person is bound up with Christ in His plan for salvation – a man whose faults we see clearly in him but fail to recognize in ourselves. The One True Church (not Churches) is established by Christ upon this imperfect, sinful man and our Blessed Lord promised that not even Hell with all it’s power would overcome it.

How Great a gift that the office of St. Peter is divinely protected by Christ Himself and the Holy Spirit. So out of imitation and obedience to our Blessed Lord, we do not despair but have faith in that imperfect, sinful man dressed in white who is the successor of St. Peter who received the keys to the kingdom. Either our Lord God who is all knowing, omnipotent and knew the future, simply had foresight amnesia of this time period OR He is not God because He is a liar.

In like manner we MUST pray for the successor of St. Peter the Pope in imitation of our Lord and trust he (The Pope) will strengthen his brother Bishops.

Pray for the Bishops, Priests and Religious also. Pray your rosary daily and in this month of November, pray for the pour souls in Purgatory (I encourage you to research St. Gertrude who prayed for them beautifully)

God Love You!

Unwavering Pursuit of Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered why you dream the kind of dreams you dream? We are the only creatures on the planet to dream the kind of dreams that we dream about. A dog or cat can dream about wanting more food but they certainly cannot dream about being a person of significance or leaving this world better than when they first arrived.

Living the Dream

Living the Dream

We human beings are born into this world with dreams of a certain kind. This is marvellous and scary all in one because if we study ourselves we’d find ALL people actually make REAL the things they dream of; albeit MOST people do so unintentionally. Existing in an endless Nightmare; that is reality for most people in their lives but first in their mind. Talk about a drain on the soul and spirit! The Body ALWAYS follows the Mind! Time and time again we manifest the thoughts we hold in our mind but sadly how few consciously think DAILY about where they are going and how AWESOME their life is CAN be and HOW they can make it a reality.

I’m proof that it does not need to be this way; things CAN change IF we want them to. It’s not easy but it is worth it. I must have said to my wife at least 10 times while we were on that yacht “Can you believe that this IS our life?” – I’m so glad I made a decision to change and grow to win.

How? By Replacing and reprogramming the stinking thinking that brought about the nightmare in the first place!

Put pen to paper daily and write out what you want your life to look like and who you want to be. Then read it aloud 2 times a day. Visualize it. Obsess over it! Hold it in your mind as often as you can for as long as you can. THEN GO WORK YOUR HINEY OFF TO GET IT! Be open to the opportunities as and when they come AND make sure you taste your dreams from time to time as a reward for the hard work you’ve put in. This is what it takes.


Dream great Dreams! Work hard to build them! Stop Existing and Start Living wonderful moments with your family! Don’t stop if you’re tired, stop when you’re finished. It’s worth it!

Building People IS Your Super Power

If you were a superhero and you had a special power what would it be?

As a child I would have told you I wanted to fly. Others said super speed and super hearing and so on. As we grow into adulthood, the prospect of being a superhero loses its lustre. As adults we do however have the ability to be super everyday. If you were to look around could you say that you see superheroes in your office? On the bus? Or how about at Starbucks?

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They do indeed exist. Im speaking of those precious people who choose to build others everyday without any expectation of reciprocation. They are the real heroes! It amazes me how many people go through their day with little to no encouragement or kindness shown to them from those around them.

The more important question is Do you see YOURSELF as a superhero?

Having a super power is a choice.  Today let your superpower be building people. Everywhere you go imagine that every person you meet has a sign above them that says, “make me feel special” or “say something good to me”.  Our words may be the only bit of encouragement they hear that day or maybe even that week. Do not hold back the gift of building your neighbor up. In the process you build families, communities, friendships, confidence, self esteem. You build a better world, the same world which you are living in

Be a Superhero Today Not Tomorrow. Build Greatness in others and you will surely find it in yourself!

That’s How Winning is Done!

Forward… keep moving forward. Use everything you’ve got! DON’T HOLD BACK! CLAW at the ground to gain that INCH! I know you’re tired. I know it hurts…. but this is the testing to see if you’re ready for GREATNESS! This is the training ground for CHAMPIONS. ALL champions are BUILT NOT BORN!


The thing that is going to determine where you end up isn’t you’re circumstances or your talent; it’s your WILL to keep pressing forward especially when your conscious mind is telling you it’s got nothing left, that is hurts and that things aren’t going the way you intended. You are a CREATIVE human being, an ETERNAL SOUL with the gift to ENDURE and that sets you apart. Your circumstances are minuscule compared to the power God has placed inside you.

Suspend your disbelief and press on. Let it burn, but DON’T YOU DARE QUIT! KEEP MOVING FORWARD!! THAT’S HOW WINNING IS DONE!

To WIN big, RISK big!

Some things in life are relative. But TRUTH exists.

The Truth is scary at times and is always raw and powerful.

You cannot have major explosive growth without throwing all you have at it. In all things that we ever became AWESOME at, we had to risk everything. Our safety, our limiting beliefs. There is nothing more amazing that stepping into a fear and realizing that it had no power over you except that which you gave to it. We spend too much of our lives feeding our fears.

Rather, starve your fear and feed your dreams, your passions and desires to be somebody and do something great in the world. And the result? It’s UNBELIEVABLE who you can become when you make decisions without any fear. When you realize that there is nothing to be afraid of the only thing that is left is for you to WIN big.


Live out of Fear and you will accomplish nothing GREAT in this world! Risk it all, and wage WAR to create and build the Dreams you dream. Then watch them materialize before your very eyes!

We were not put here to pay our flippen bills!!! We were put here to become GREAT!