Tag Archives: Business

Can you really work out your Sanctification?


This is your life. A life destined to spend eternity with its Creator; you life was given to you for no other reason but sanctity  – your own and others.

Are your obsessions healthy? Are they obsession of the world, the flesh or perhaps even of the devil? Or are they of God and who He created you to be? Have you settled?

Man’s original task what to be a gardner, but we lost the joy of tilling and keeping the garden – to protect and cultivate all that is in it. Having lost it our new role is WORK – what God has given us for the sake or our salvation. To provide for ourselves BY serving our neighbour. In both cases as before being a gardener or working by the sweat of our brow we were participating in Creation through sub-creation. And Sub-creation is WORK.

Work is God’s gift to us on how to attain Sanctification – sub-creation produces in us sanctification – both out side and inside – thought virtues and graces with are the by product of offering the sweat of our brow for the greater glory of GOD. To allow us to work he gives us time.

Time is the gift of God for Sub-creation – we must fight to fill it, maximize it , grow it and invest it. NEVER waste it. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Write books, blogs, Make music, build something with your hands or build a business, start a podcast, work out, cook food, inspire others. Take control of your family life (your kingdom and domestic church) strengthen your relationships.

Give time your healthy obsessions and change the world by changing yourself. You may not be the best today, but you have time to go to Work and become better by pursuing your goals and dreams letting your soul breath through sub-creation! Become who God has created you to be.

God love you!
Be Great!



The Law of Distraction


We live in an era where we are constantly bombarded by information, advertising and noise through a plethora of stimuli. Sadly those that have given up television or boast about getting rid of cable aren’t so special anymore; simply because you take in media today through a handheld device, a tablet device or a desktop device that has simply replaced the television. We are constantly being taken off task, ever being distracted from the daily things that will surely get us to where we want to go.

You don’t need to be at home on the couch to disengage from the world – you simply need to pick up your phone and browse media. Because of this coupled with zero focus on [and] obsession with 2017 goals we have the perfect recipe for why almost everybody does almost enough but not quite enough to succeed.

Someone once told me that your thoughts become your words, your repeated words become your actions, your repeated actions become your habits and your repeated habits form your character which will ultimately determine where you end up in life.

What are we allowing to dominate our thoughts? For most, isn’t it our problems? And do you think most people spend their time obsessing over solutions to their problems or further stressing and trying to escape them?

I’ll save the writing down goals daily multiple times a day and the effect it has for another article but here’s a critical thinking question I’ve been drilling my team with…

How many times did I touch my phone today for something other than creating my dream life?

What if every time you touched your phone you wrote down your top 3 goals for 2017?

Do you think repeatedly doing it would have an effect on your thoughts, words, actions and habits?

Either we are in control of us or we are victims of the circumstances around us. Ether we dominate our thoughts with our goals or we are robbed of our dream life by the Law of Distraction.

The quality of your life is inversely proportional to the number of distractions you have in your life. ~ Anil Gupta

Become the Best Version of Yourself TODAY, not tomorrow.

Be Great!

“The Law of Distraction” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/law-distraction-dylan-drego

Episode 10 – Update on the Podcast


Gaudete in Pascha and Happy Easter to you all. Let me first begin by saying how grateful I am to all of you listeners who are praying the Rosary in Latin. This podcast has been downloaded more than 1400 times and we now have listeners all over the world in 15 different countries. It warms my heart that there is such a love for praying the Holy Rosary in Latin.

I feel obligated to explain the lack of new prayers being uploaded to the podcast. I shall give you 5 reasons and hopefully you’ll understand my tardiness.

Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.

If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also, most especially I ask you all to keep my wife and unborn child in your prayers as we get ready for their arrival within the month.

Please be patient with the uploading of new prayers – they are on their way. Till then,

May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)



Salve Regina (Podcast)



This podcast episode on the Salve Regina has been long overdue. Thank you for your patience. I am working on the Litany of Loretto as well as the Memorare and the remaining Holy Rosary prayers. Click the Play button above to pray/learn this prayer. The words are below.

Salve Regína,
Mater misericórdiæ,
vita, dulcédo et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamámus,
éxsules fílii Evæ.
Ad te suspirámus geméntes et flentes
in hac lacrimárum valle.
Eia ergo, advocáta nostra,
illos tuos misericórdes óculos
ad nos convérte.
Et Iesum benedíctum fructum ventris tui,
nobis, post hoc exsílium, osténde.

O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo María!

Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei génetrix.
Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi.

Divínum auxílium máneat semper nobíscum.

Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast; it has been downloaded over 150 times which amazes me! It is because I know that you (the listeners) are listening and praying that I desire to continue to record and publish more episodes. Please share it with your friends and families.

If you do like this podcast, consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also.

God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)



Can You Float Like A Butterfly?


Have you ever been in a training session with a group of people and had someone ask either an annoying or tough question? Almost when you didn’t need it?

Rather than be upset or get annoyed take a different approach; thank them for the question.

I always admired Mohammed Ali for his ability to be able to move and flow when someone threw a punch at him, he moved with them in reverse keeping their glove infront of his face at the same distance. He could back away like nobody could. He was ready for every punch and expected it. He kept it where he could see it and always dealt the blow using their punch to his advantage either by tiring them out or hitting them when they we’re exposed.

Thank them for the question. You should have been ready for it. If they hadn’t asked it, they would have been thinking about it, and you can bet so were others.

The fact that they asked it and threw the punch out there they’ve handed it to you to deal with and this is your moment to shine. To show no fear and keep it in front of your face and deal with it flawlessly.

If you cant answer the question in a public setting you shouldn’t be training. Get yourself to a position where you can answer in public every time flawlessly and you will show strength of character, and wow you group beyond belief. You do that you can do anything. You fold or fail in public why would anyone one follow you or listen to you?

They just did you the biggest favour, whether you crush it or you flop you had to be real with yourself and your abilities. Always take the opportunity to float like a butterfly in public and show no fear in the face of those questions, because if you cant handle it, you shouldn’t be in the ring. Be ready to sting like a bee – not to flaunt it in their face but with elegance to show that this is not your first fight and you’ve prepared for this fight, and every punch your entire life.

Wow them and thank the guy or gal for giving you the opportunity to shine in public and raise your status to the next level!

God love you!
Be Great!


The Latin Prayer Podcast – Introduction


After discovering that there we’re actually other’s listening to this podcast, I decided to expand the podcast from just the 4 sets of mysteries to as many other latin prayers that I could and I couldn’t be more excited for the undertaking.

I hope that this podcast will lead you also to study the rich traditions of the Faith and will inspire in you a desire to come to know and love our Blessed Lord and His Mother, Mary, and increase and aid your devotions to them and the saints.

If you do like this podcast, consider leaving a review as it will help other’s find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also.

God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)


Can you Smile, Wink & Say “I Got’ dis!”?


Breathe – things are never as bad as they seem. Smile, things are never as good as they seem. Wink – Life is lived somewhere in the middle.

When stuff is really not going my way, I notice that fear and doubt tend to set in. And that emotional response kills any intelligence that I have.

I have to control my body and my mind. It’s easier to use the body to control the mind if you understand posture, and interrupting patterns of behaviour. For example, if you see a depressed person, their shoulders are slouched and often they are looking down. If you are depressed I encourage you try this exercise.

Throw your shoulders back, put a big cheesy smile on your face, look straight up at the ceiling and now… try to feel depressed.

… It’s hard isn’t it…?

This should show you that you have the capacity to change your state and increase your energy regardless of the surrounding situation. You cannot change what’s happened; only how you react to it in your mind and the action that you take from this moment on.


My solution, when things go bad for me, someone cancels a meeting, quits on me, cancels a program… I take a deep breath, smile, wink and say to the enemies around me that want me to despair and hate God for my circumstance… I got’ dis!

Be great!

God Love you!


One Hail Mary


When plans go sideways as they most certainly do… what do we do?

I know from personal experience how much planning and preparation goes into the things that I’m passionate about and when they seem to not be working out or rather becoming worse rather than better – I have to decided how to respond.

In the past I would get angry, want to quit, flip out or run and tell anyone who would listen what my sorrws were. That was until I began to study spiritual warfare. Any thought that takes you away from God most certainly had something to do with a demon who planted the thought there. Perhaps I may have been idle with my time (please see Killing Time) which is the devils playground or I may have put myself in harms way, but often times the thought to quit, get angry or despair came from some outside source trying to convince me that it is me who’s having these thoughts.

It’s in these moments, either in sin or in just being overwhelmed, that I understand why our Lord gave us His Mother.

One Hail Mary will do more for us in the spiritual and temporal realms than all the planning, stresss, anxiety and worry, etc.

Do not misunderstand what I’m saying – we must follow up and follow through; doing all that is required of us to over come our defects but as in all things, put first things first and second things second. Otherwise we ruin both the first and second thing. Pray first to our blessed Mother, and then carry on.

Be great!

God love you!

Killing Time


Killing time… I cringe at the words. The only true currency of the world is time and rather seeking to multiply it we are wasting it.

We can always go and make more money and things can be replaced but time is always moving and either we are using it to grow or we are dying. I’ve discovered a way of extending time and I’d like to share 3 ways in which to do so with some practical applications.

  • wake up early.

By rising early (beating the sun up) you can add years of productivity to your life. You can actually live instead of existing. To be able to do this you MUST go to bed early at a pre-set time or you will break you body.

  • be aware of where every moment of time is going and account for it.

Awareness is key to profitability. Have every moment of your day accounted for – meaning you should have no white space or free time. Fill it with something by keeping a physical calendar and be ruthless with your schedule. Schedule family time, play time, learn time, write time, in-fact schedule anything thats important to you and respect it enough to not distract yourself from it. What can you say no to? And what will you think about repeatedly? Focus on small tasks in limited time slots with measurable, achievable results; then bang them out.

  • duplicate yourself by building people to multiply time.

This last one is the hardest because it requires us to ask for help and invest our time in others. Be it an assistant or our spouse or children. Together we can accomplish more than we ever could on our own. Do not be afraid of pouring yourself into others. The productivity payoff can be limitless even though in the moment it may seem faster to do everything yourself. Be patient and keep the bigger picture in view. I’m reminded of a Chinese Proverb:

If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.

TIME – Invest it, grow it, collapse it and be great!

God love you!

Offering My Joy


There’s a scarf made of itchy wool that was made for me with love by my wife’s nona, and this scarf accompanies me most days as a form of mortification. I love wearing it! It causes me discomfort but I love the fact that secretly (or not so secretly now) I get to offer my sufferings to our Lord.

I fast 5 days a week from carbs, coffee and anything with sugar particularly as a form of mortification that I can offer up to our Lord. The health benefits are a bonus.

When I remember, the last 30 seconds of my morning shower I turn cold for the same reason I stated above – to offer my sufferings and mortifications to our Lord.

As a side note, the biggest business benefit that all these self induced sufferings can offer are that if by sheer will you can handle these difficulties, then no matter what your day throws at you, you’re going to be fine. Not only fine but you’ll CRUSH your mediocrity causing oppositions!

Reflecting this past Sunday, as I was sipping my cup of french pressed coffee with milk and sugar (Saturdays and Sundays are Cheat Days) – I let out a sigh, simply resting and relaxing in the good. And a horrible thought occurred to me. I had offered my sufferings and mortifications to our Lord but not consciously offered Him my joys! Why ever would I not want to do so.

And so even though I pray the prayer below every morning, from now on I will consciously give away all my joys for Him who loves me and you beyond all comprehension! Pray with me and for me.

God love you!

Oh my Jesus, I give Thee thanks for having preserved my family and me this past night. May all my thoughts, words and deeds be pleasing to Thee this day. I wish to gain all the merits and indulgences attached to them and I offer them in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated upon all of the altars throughout the world this day; joining with it all my prayers, works, joys, sufferings and mortifications to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that she may best apply them in the interests of Thy Sacred Heart.
