Tag Archives: better

Can You Float Like A Butterfly?


Have you ever been in a training session with a group of people and had someone ask either an annoying or tough question? Almost when you didn’t need it?

Rather than be upset or get annoyed take a different approach; thank them for the question.

I always admired Mohammed Ali for his ability to be able to move and flow when someone threw a punch at him, he moved with them in reverse keeping their glove infront of his face at the same distance. He could back away like nobody could. He was ready for every punch and expected it. He kept it where he could see it and always dealt the blow using their punch to his advantage either by tiring them out or hitting them when they we’re exposed.

Thank them for the question. You should have been ready for it. If they hadn’t asked it, they would have been thinking about it, and you can bet so were others.

The fact that they asked it and threw the punch out there they’ve handed it to you to deal with and this is your moment to shine. To show no fear and keep it in front of your face and deal with it flawlessly.

If you cant answer the question in a public setting you shouldn’t be training. Get yourself to a position where you can answer in public every time flawlessly and you will show strength of character, and wow you group beyond belief. You do that you can do anything. You fold or fail in public why would anyone one follow you or listen to you?

They just did you the biggest favour, whether you crush it or you flop you had to be real with yourself and your abilities. Always take the opportunity to float like a butterfly in public and show no fear in the face of those questions, because if you cant handle it, you shouldn’t be in the ring. Be ready to sting like a bee – not to flaunt it in their face but with elegance to show that this is not your first fight and you’ve prepared for this fight, and every punch your entire life.

Wow them and thank the guy or gal for giving you the opportunity to shine in public and raise your status to the next level!

God love you!
Be Great!


Accountability & Its End


Here’s one for all the entrepreneurs –

Why do we have to be accountable? Us to others and others to us…

When I have others report to me, its more for them than it is for me. I’ll get various answers and in various formats. We are all works in progress in business and in life but again with out the purpose of a thing the energy spent pursuing the thing itself is wasted and we may never hit the mark.

It’s taken me a long time to discover this although I’ve heard words before, I had not until recently understood the message. I am accountable to someone else because I need it. Not them.  We are accountable for 3 reasons:

  • for us to know what we’ve done.
  • for us to see how much more we have to do.
  • to keep others in the loop.

First, to know what we’ve done toward the end. If we do not have an end clearly defined, we are wasting time. To ask ourselves whether we could have or should have done more. It allows us to reflect – do our actions show that we are really serious about hitting the targets we’ve set for ourselves.

Second, to remind ourselves what still needs to be done; not so that we can be discouraged but to recognize that perfection in business and life is a process. A <always getting better it> kind of thing. And also to show us that we’ve made movement along the line toward the end in the bigger picture.

Third, to keep others in the loop  – there’s not much more to be said about this other than they need to know, so you have to let them know. Their job is to make sure we are on track and that we’re making progress. Don’t hate them for asking, or pushing us. Instead, hate inactivity or average or mediocrity. Hate anything thats not worthy of our time and energy most especially the things that distract us from the goal. We MUST desire to show them (whom ever we are accountable to) our VERY best.

Tip: make sure you include the end goal in your text, report or email to your boss, accountability partner etc. It speaks more as a reminder to you than to them but it also shows them that you’re aware of where you’re going, or if your off the mark. They wouldn’t be able to encourage you, push you or help you otherwise.

Keep striving to achieve GREATNESS in your business and in your life. It’s what God demands of you and your business – namely PERFECTION.

Become the best version of yourself. Your family and future self will thank you.

God love you!

A Thing of Beauty

In a fallen world there will always be problems. When things go south, limited thinking and unhindered inaction breeds like a bacterial infection. We make lists of problems and all we want to is to be justified; for someone to hear our side of the story, someone to understand. The first problem on the list is sufficient to stall us indefinitely. Why bother coming up with problem 2, 3 and so on? Are we that trained to immediately come up with all the opposition against ourselves? So few of us rise to combat our fallen nature and our imperfect self.

Sometimes we look to our peers and leaders who should know and do better than us, and we are left disappointed for they themselves chicken out for fear of the repercussions of waging war.

Ugly exists in this world and I shouldn’t be contributing to it nor dwelling on its depressing and often unhelpful worldly lens. Something MUST be done; It needs to be fought by men and women of courage holding high the banner of Beauty!

O Beauty! Where did you go?

The most beautiful things in life are often the hardest to look at.

The Family is Beautiful and we must be willing to die to protect our [marriages, our children, siblings, parents, grandparents and out of obedience to our Blessed Lord, our neighbour.]

Show me stories of self sacrifice and I’ll show you beautiful. Show me suffering for the sake of another and I’ll show you beautiful.

So let us die for [them] and really live, rather than exist in this life only concerned about ourselves and our problems.

God Love You!

How We Do Something, Is How We Do Everything!

“The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness”

― Pope Benedict XVI

There is an epidemic in the world today that particularly affects business owners and entrepreneurs alike and destroys all hope of their ever achieving the heights of greatness that they are destined for.  Can a man/woman NOT make their bed in the morning and still make build a million dollar business…? Can I be honest in my business transactions, while pirating (stealing) music/movies at home…? And can the imperfect version of my self still achieve my goals and dreams so long as I read my goals and dreams twice a day out loud…?

I would argue why bother? If I am looking for a trick or cheap way to achieve the end without the work involved, without becoming the best version of me along the way, then I’ll never be able to hold on to the material success and even if I succeed in fooling the world, inside I know that I’m a fake.

There is a solution. Become the best version of yourself. I’d like to suggest 3 ways to do just that.

  • Humility vs. Pride

No one will ever become better until they look at themselves as imperfect and in need of improvement. This takes humility. If we think we’re “all that” we have no need of getting better. If we can’t swallow this pill, we can forget about reading further; it’s useless to us and we probably will not implement 2 and 3 either.

  • Discipline vs. Disorder

Start with the little things. How can we do anything great if we can’t handle the little things? The common denominator is that we are the same person at home and in business and we can’t separate how we operate in the world because we are the bridge between home and work. Making our bed does make a difference. It builds discipline and that same discipline will carry our business to its heights. Keep the little promises to yourself (wake up early, show up early, clean up after) and you’ll find the big promises a piece of cake because you’ve sharpened and honed yourself.

  • Diligence vs. Sloth

This is a daily battle of perseverance. It’s actually quite easy to be the best version of ourselves and not settle for mediocrity… it’s just easier not to. Do you know what the best version of you looks like? What [that] version of you does first thing in the morning or when something becomes difficult or not enjoyable? The best version perseveres and gains the slight edge over themselves.

Venerable Fulton Sheen said “We are dying of ordinariness; we are perishing from our pettiness. The world’s greatest need is great men [and women], someone who will understand that there is no greater conquest than victory over oneself; someone who will realize that the real worth is achieved, not so much by activity, as by silence.”

We need to stop talking, and telling the world how awesome we are or collecting cars and houses and suits and watches. Rather, focus on our character, who we are and who we are becoming.

What do we do when no one else is watching, when we are alone?

Every day we should ask ourselves, “Today, am I better than I was yesterday?” and then do something about it.